The Humbug

Hello! My name is Katie, and I’ve been blogging on and off (mostly ‘off’ it seems!) since 2007, when the blogoshpere started getting all crazy and insane… I always found it a bit hard to get the energy together to blog because I’ve moved house nine times in that time period; I’m in London, now, and finally settled. With my head screwed on straight again, it felt like a good time to come back to Cherry Humbug! I have always used this moniker, although a couple of my domains have been stolen by others – d’oh!

As for myself… I’m a graduate, in London, muddling along and searching to find my place in the world. Like plenty other twenty-somethings that have come to the city to find their calling. I’m still finding my feet a little bit and it will probably always feel that way – but I’m fine with that, and the new challenges are what I’m here for!

You probably won’t find me spending my weekend nights at the pub or anything like that, I prefer to indulge myself in cups of tea (what an age old blogger cliche!) films, Photoshop and anything that can get my creative juices flowing. I promise I’m not as pretentious as I might sound… I’m actually just a clown dressed in the wrong clothes. I LOVE aesthetics in general, animals are my absolute favourite thing in the world, and I have a brain that’s equal parts lazy, and thirsty for knowledge, and that runs away with me much of the time. I sometimes feel like I can’t keep up with my own mind, which can sometimes be my downfall… and is fittingly, the reason why even this is starting to go off on a tangent!

There are so many things in life that I love and enjoy, and I hope that this blog will just be a little shining glimmer of who I am as a person. I am also hoping that this blog will help to resuscitate my sense of adventure, love of fashion and writing, and generally to put me back into an internetty world of people who might be a bit like me, so we can hop through our roaring 20s together.

So feel free to follow me along on my adventures, and stop by and say hello every once in a while… that would be lovely!